
Blog Update

Hey hey,

It’s been a hot minute since the last post and I just have to say sometimes life throws a couple curve balls at you. Here lately I have been doing some serious thinking about where I’m at in life and where I would like to be. Basically, just trying to figure it all out. They say sometimes you have to loose yourself to find yourself, and I’d say there is a lot of truth in that. So now I’m getting back into things, but this time a little more clearly than before.

Writing posts where pretty therapeutic when I first started, then things began to change as time went on. I feel like everything got to a point where I quite being myself , being the “people pleaser” that I am, ended up trying to please people rather than accomplish what I had set out to achieve. I quickly got off the path that I thought I wanted to be on, becoming distracted and confused. Now here I am just trying to start over.

  • I’m just gonna do my thing, for the fun of it. I’m gonna share more heart to heart posts. More of whats on my mind and whats going on in my life. Truth. Real Life. In the RAW. I feel like most of everything you see on social media and all over the place is almost fake or not all the truth. Nothing is perfect and I feel like that is the beauty in all. You have to learn how to be happy. It’s not always rainbows and butterfly’s and that is okay. That’s life. We all have our ups and downs, and become unhappy…But I’m pretty sure it’s about learning from where you’ve been so you can grow. You can choose to make the most of things and be more positive, that is when things really become interesting.
  • I’m gonna share my makeup posts. Both looks and tutorials from instagram to my videos on youtube. I am a makeup artist, it’s just my passion. There is not a possible way for me to not talk about anything related to beauty, haha. Including reviews on both things I love and not so much. There will also be some skin care, hair care/ looks and outfit posts.
  • There will also be some faith based posts all the way to motherhood and things in between. Life isn’t always so easy and we all have our struggles but the worst thing is to feel alone. You are never alone, someone has been in your shoes at some point. If I have an experience that is relatable or something someone can learn from I want to share it. No matter your who you are or your age, we can all learn things from others. I just want to encourage and uplift others, with all the negative and bad things we hear and see all the time. Make a bad situation good.

I’m not perfect and my blog wont be either, and I’m completely okay with that! With all that being said…. Now lets get things going! Cheers to living life the best we can and sharing it with others! Until next time my friends, wishing you nothing but the best! Have a wonderful day and stay blessed! All my love.



Watch “33 WEEKS Pregnancy Vlog | 3D 4D scan & bump footage | BRITTANY BRINSON” on YouTube

So I’ve been slacking on getting videos done and up but still chugging along with updates!

Here is the few weeks I missed and now up to date pregnancy vlog!


Shattered Glass

Hey friends,

I’m not sure why this is heavy on my heart still. If this my way of still getting over the shock, or has a deeper meaning I haven’t yet figured out or maybe just obsessing bc the hormones are out of control at the moment.

The other day while I was driving to go meet my husband I didn’t make it too far, maybe 10 miles down the road, without having him come get the kids and myself. I was caught off guard in a complete state of terror and shock.

As I was just starting to get close to coming into town, going about 60 mph when on a busy two lane highway out of now where a loud BOOM hit my window. My drivers side window, smacked dab in the middle of it. I’m not sure what but I watched in slow motion ,as if it was all fake, for a split second as my entire window cracked into a million tiny pieces and fell on into me. A dull roaring hollow sound of air came rushing in quickly followed.

In that moment it was the worst more scary than anything as out of reaction gripped my wheel tighter, closed my eyes as tight as I could for a split second, and held tight! Letting a long shrieky scream. Tears came rolling immediately. Not really realizing what was happening or bout to happen. I quickly opened and began slowing down to pull over.

The first thing outta Brantley’s mouth was “Mom, are you okay?!” In response I didnt have time and blurted out “No! I have glass all over me!” By this time I was pulled over and ended up in front of a place called Dewane’s body shop ironically.

I sat there and cried like a baby trying to process what was going on for a sec. Then called Brandon to let him know what just happend. I could barely get anything out to be understandable.

All the while many cars had passed and one at some point informed the owner of the body shop. He had been sitting watching me for a bit, but I had been in so much hysteria I never noticed. He eventually walked up with caution, making his way to my drivers side asking what happend and if we were okay. Still, not making much progress talking through the rolling tears. He helped clean up some of the few pieces left hanging on the window. Then helping me out. I was covered in glass…

I finally began to kind of calm down and pull myself together. Mr. Dewane had disappeared to get a box to help me clean up and cold water. I remember Brantley starting to get upset about my window being all busted out (probably due to how I reacted to everything). I quickly reassured him it was going to be okay, we would have it fixed. Being 25 weeks pregnant through all of this my emotions were completely outta control.

Ended up Mr. Dewane taking over cleaning up all the glass outta my seat and hoping in my truck to drive it in a bay where he got after the rest with a shopvack. I was so blessed to have him there to help. I don’t know whether or not he realized, though I kept thanking him over and over, I really needed the help and support not sure how I would have handled without.

I really wish I could have been more stable and brave for my boys (2 & 5yrs)… that obviously didn’t happen though, pregnancy hormones took over as I freaked out about everything. As I calmed down all I could think about was how lucky we where. How it was my window and not one of my kids, how nothing came through the window, how it wasn’t and accident involving a crashed vehicle or two… all the possibilities flooded my mind. I was so thankful we were all okay! Through all the bad God was right there protecting us. Especially my babies. My truck was fine besides the window… I walked away with a few scratches and glass in my arms, legs and feet, but everyone was okay…

We still have no clue what busted my window like that, but we have some suspicion it could have been a lug nut from someone’s Tire or something from one of the many log trucks I was passing. I was able to get my window fix that day and had my car back by the end of the day, we believe if it had been tinted, it wouldn’t have shattered as bad as it did. Though, I said I wanted bulletproof glass after all this…. lol I don’t believe I’ll be getting that.

God is good, he had his hand on us, and had all the right people there to help when we needed. I’m so Thankful that was it, it was so scary and such a crazy freak accident… just because not everything that happens is good there is still good to be scene in it.

There was so much glass in my floor board and even behind my seat by my sons door, that you can’t even see from this picture.

By this point we had got most of the glass in the box and where bout to vacuum the rest.

Almost a week later I’m still trying to pull out a piece of glass outta my foot, but imma say that was a good day still through it all… we walked away fine. Truly blessed and thankful.

Till next time,


A Timeless Wood Piece

Hey my friends!
Any watch fans around? I’ll raise both my hands! Lol. Not so much to tell time but I love the look of watches more for accessories, just being honest. Something about a good looking watch looks so timeless to me.

Jord. Have you heard of them? Let me fill you in real quick. Here lately I partnered up with one of the most interesting watch companies around! Jord! These are a beautifully hand crafted, wooden watch. They inspire such a different, natural earthy aura about them.

They offer a variety of different woods. Something that also caught my eye, was the sapphire glass on the watch. This is suppose to be a very durable scratch resistant synthetic crystal glass that is placed in many of their pieces! As a mom, this is definitely something I look for with having a house full of rowdy boys.
You even have the option to have your watch engraved. Either on the watch itself or on the gorgeously crafted wooden box that it comes in for yourself or as a gift. The writing of the engraving comes in block, script or even your writing.

Options don’t stop there. Women’s watches. Men’s watches. Bands for Apple watches. Did I mention the watch even comes with an oil pen and the little soft cloth to clean the smudges of the face of the watch?
Though there is no lacking in the quality, the one thing I love most about my Jord watch is, it literally goes with everything I wear! Quick side note: it doesn’t pull the little hairs on my arm! (Huge bonus point for me)

In conclusion, in a world where we are all guilty of somewhat worrying about our self esteem in some degree, sliding on a Jord watch automatically polishes a man as all the accessories polish a woman’s.

Okay now that I’ve given you a little insight to this wonderfully made piece, here’s the BEST part for you! Jord has been so kind as to allow me a GIVEAWAY! One lucky winner will win $100 to go to their Jord purchase! Go ahead and head over to enter my giveaway! It won’t take but just a second, everyone needs a great looking watch! Just for entering you will recieve 10% off. Go ahead and click here to enter!
The contest will close on Sep 23, 2018 at 11:59pm

Good luck!

Enter the Giveaway!


My watch is: Frankie – Dark Sandalwood & Smoke


Till next time my friends…



<a id=”woodwatches_com_widget_article” ishidden=”1″ title=”Wooden Wrist Watch”>Wooden Wrist Watch</a>

14 Weeks Pregnant update, Third Pregnancy

Hey Everyone!

I hope your all well and wonderful! Happy to say I am 14 weeks! One week officially in the second trimester! Though if you want to get completely accurate, I am actually 14 weeks and 3 days. LOL. But being my third pregnancy who is really counting, right? I was really hoping to do a post one the day itself, but my plans never go to plan, per say. That particular day we happend to be traveling from Louisiana to the St. Croix in the Virgin Islands (whole different story). I mean, I’m currently waiting on my 13 weeks vlog to finish up loading to Youtube.

Anyways, most of my symptoms are about the same still, but added a few more.

-Still having to rely on medication to keep the morning sickness away

-Still constantly tired

-Still moody

-Still struggling with being hot and cold

-Still having food cravings and adversions

-Itching belly

-Constantly running to the restroom

-TMI….. aching sensitive breasts

-Cleaning like crazy

…… my list could continue but we gotta save some for the vlog, haha.

Which brings me to the next thing. My Vlog. I’m really loving it but at the same time it’s so hard to motivate myself to just do it, kind of like my weekly pictures. I’m gonna push through bc I really loved my documented pictures from the previous pregnancies. I really wish I would have had more though, I just never really thought of blogging the last one much less vlogging. It will be cool to look back on one day. I’m just kinda whipped out this time around constantly.

I had an check up last Thursday where I got to hear back about all my previous labs, which all came back fine. We got to see baby Brinson on the ultra sound, which I also filmed! The little one is growing right on track, we were hoping to find out the gender though my doctor said it was still too early(only a week earlier than when I found out with both my other pregnancies) though the legs were crossed so I can see how my chances were low to see anyway. So we are hoping to know for sure the gender by the next visit in 5 weeks. We have also been contemplating going to get a 3D ultra sound before but haven’t really made up our minds or just wait it out.

Not much else is really different, besides being in the Virgin Islands, at the moment be looking for my vlog to pop up soon! As well as another post on any of my other social platforms for more updates! Have a wonderful week my friends.



Watch “Pregnancy vlog 12 weeks (first trimester) + belly shot” on YouTube

11 weeks update

Hey hey all,

I hope everyone is well! Just wanted to come at y’all with a little up date. Since last Friday, we’re currently 11 weeks in. Let me tell y’all, this is without a doubt the toughest pregnancy out of the 3 so far.

I caught this pregnancy early which is unusual, didn’t catch the other two early. Just a little after I hit 5 weeks the morning sickness began and only got worse. Started when I woke up and never left…about 8 weeks I got some medication that helped some but made me extremely tired, as if having two little ones and being pregnant I wasn’t tired enough. Then I was sick and tired all day everyday. Fast forward to now I’ve started a new medication called Bonjesta. It’s brand new to the market and I’m taking twice a day but I feel mostly normal, lol well as normal as possible. Still pretty tired but nothing like that first medication. (A QUICK side note: it’s insanely expensive. I’m surviving on samples bc we weren’t bout to spend $700+ on my prescription ((don’t have insurance but that’s a whole different situation, no body wants hook up a pregnant woman)) though this medication insurance covers little to no cost any way) SO at the moment I’m trying to wean myself from the medication taking one pill some days and functioning just fine.

Though Im only 11 weeks, baby is still so tiny, I’m definitely #bumpin. Lol, call it bloat or bumpin or what you will, the fact of the matter I’m showing. Alot sooner than before, as said by my doctor,

“..by the third one, everything is all stretch out and loose. Things just don’t go back like they used too.”

I know every pregnancy is different, each one of mine have been, as well as being my 3rd, this one is definitely different.

  • I’m super smell sensitive, unlike before.
  • I’m having food cravings (besides the sweets and junk) , unlike before. Such as beef jerky, fruits
  • I’m repulsed by ground beef, unlike before
  • Preggie drops and Ginger Ale aren’t working like before
  • Sick all the time, last pregnancy I was sick maybe a couple times but not like this
  • Im so Moody, one second fine then next crying, or something that’s no big deal has suddenly set me off. Last time I had some mood swings but definitely don’t compare to this.
  • It’s also seems as if my internal thermostatis broke, I’m constantly cold or hot and cold as if I’m sick, unlike before.

Which is making many people think it’s a girl. Though, I thinking just about everyone is biased because everyone is hoping for a girl. I was honestly hoping for a girl in the beginning, but now all I can wish for is a healthy baby.

It’s just one baby as far as we know, though I’ve been asked many of times if I’m having twins. Lol I think it goes back to ‘being all stretched out’ as my doctor stated at my last appointment.

We find out the gender in just a few short weeks and plan to do something exciting and maybe even different, if all our cards are played right for our reveal! Also been seriously thinking about vlogging this pregancy!

Anyways, as usual I’ll list all my handles so you can keep up 🙂



Sunset inspired eye


So I was visiting my mom a few weeks ago and was outside with my boys, we were enjoying the coolness outside blowing bubbles when I told my boys to look up at the sky. I’m a sucker for sunsets, always have been and this particular one inspired me.

I finally got around to doing something with it and came up with this look!

I posted to Insta along with a poll for a tutorial. So many responded with a YES, and now here we are!

Hope you enjoy this Sunset Inspired eye!

Have a Beautiful Friday my friends!



We’re Pregnant!

Hey all!

We’ve been keeping a little secret! 😉

Thought I’d share it here first because I just can’t keep this one hidden anymore lol.

BRINSON Party of 5 please!

So excited to announce we’re expecting a THIRD precious baby! Can’t wait to compare and contrast this pregnancy!

Also a Huge Thank You!!!!! To my good friend Hayley for making our cute little announcment card! She did such a great job!! Go check out this crafty lady and what she can do for you!


